Lorien Legacies

The series follow the story of nine human-looking aliens brought to Earth when they were six years old. Their purpose is to grow into their powers and return to their planet, Lorien, and get it back from the evil Mogadorians. The teenagers have been protected by a charm, which only allows them to be killed in a set order and by non-gifted guardians called CĂȘpan.

Up to the beginning of the book six have survived and reached 15 years. As their powers, their Legacies, start to develop they can't stay hidden anymore


  Ten years ago, the Mogadorians, a race of violent, powerful beasts, completely obliterated the resources and people on the peaceful planet of Lorien. Nine children, members of the Garde, a race of supernaturally gifted Loriens, escaped to Earth. The nine were given a charm of protection and a number. The Mogadorians that hunt them can only kill them in numerical order. As each Lorien child is murdered, those that remain receive a scar around their ankle so they know how many are left. Number Four receives his third scar at a high school party and flees home to escape the area with his Keeper, Henri. Keepers are the adult guardians and mentors of the Garde.

Henri gives Number Four a new name, John Smith, as they make their way to Paradise, Ohio, the 22nd town they've hidden in during their time on Earth. On his first day at his new school, John meets Sarah Hart, and he immediately develops a crush on the beautiful and friendly girl. Unfortunately, that makes him the enemy of her former boyfriend, Mark James.

When Mark confronts John after class, John runs away, not because he fears the football player, but because he realizes that he is developing his Legacies, the supernatural powers that will help him defeat the Mogadorians. John hides in a dark room and waits for Henri to pick him up. John convinces Henri not to leave Paradise because of the incident at school, and the two begin training so that he can develop his powers.

Although Mark continues to harass John, the Lorien develops a relationship with Sarah and another boy, Sam. Sam's father disappeared when he was young, and the scrawny boy secretly believes aliens abducted his dad. When one of the conspiracy newsletters that Sam reads runs a story about a race of aliens called Mogadorians intent on taking over Earth, Henri decides to investigate. John worries when Henri fails to return from a meeting he had with the newsletter's authors and enlists Sam's help to find him.

John enters the house Henri said he'd be visiting, while Sam watches a man who lives there. John threatens another resident of the home to tell him where Henri is being kept and eventually finds his Keeper tied to a chair in the basement. Before they can escape, John must use his supernatural abilities to save Sam. He questions one of Henri's captors and learns that he received a call from someone with information about the Mogadorians and the numbered children. The man was never heard from again. The contact number he'd left with them had been disconnected. The day after they ran the story in their newsletter, three strangers came to the house, threatening their lives and mentally torturing them to keep them from running any more of the story.

The Mogadorians arrive, but John uses his supernatural abilities to get himself, Henri and Sam away before the Mogadorians can attack them. Henri and John confide the truth of who they are to Sam, who promises to keep everything a secret and to help in any way he can.

Although worried that the Mogadorians are close, Henri agrees not to leave Ohio so John can continue in school. His relationship with Sarah intensifies, and he continues to work on developing his powers. He is surprised when Mark invites him and Sam to a party at his house. The party gets out of hand, and the house catches on fire when someone accidently knocks over a candle. Everyone gets out safely except for Sarah and the family's two dogs. John, who is immune to fire, sneaks back into the house and helps them escape. Unfortunately, someone has witnessed the rescue. A mysterious note is faxed to the school for John, asking if he is Number Four. Someone also posts the story and a video of the rescue on the Internet. John refuses to escape with Henri until he makes sure Sarah is safe from the Mogadorians. He finds her alone in the school's darkroom after hours. Before he can leave, Mogadorian scouts arrive. As John and Sarah try to sneak out of the school, they are caught. At first John believes it is a Mogadorian who has caught them, but he discovers it is actually Number Six, a girl a few years older than him, who has tracked him down in order for them to fight their enemies. Henri and Mark also arrive at the school, and together the five battle the evil horde that has surrounded them. In the end, Henri is killed, but the Mogadorians are temporarily defeated. John and Number Six gather their belongings and leave Ohio, along with Sam. John promises Sarah that he will one day return for her.


Author: Pittacus Lore (pseudonym name)


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